Toshu's Kanji House 12th

Thank you for waiting.
Today's guest is very cute 子"Child".

{in a child's voice} I'm sorry about the other day.
I was trying hard to get up, but I found myself at home.

Oh, Don't worry, sweetheart.
Instead, talk a lot today (^ _ -) - ☆
By the way, how did you come here today?

父“Father”, 母“Mother”, 男“Men” and女“Woman” came together with me.

Oh, so where is everyone?

They are waiting for me outside until I finish.

Oh, that's not good. Let them come inside.
Leciel, can you get them?

Sure, Bow-Wow!!

Now everyone gathered(^^♪

Thank you for the other day.

I came here as an attendant, accepting your kind offer.

We came together because we were worried.

{All together.} Child, dear! Do your best ~ (^ _ -) - ☆

✌Thank you (with a peace sign)

Leciel, please give them a cup of tea!

Ok, Ruff-Ruff!!

Oh? Did everyone get sunburned?

We went to Okinawa.

Wow, that's great! (^^♪

Yes! We went to Shuri Castle first~.


And we all swam in the beautiful sea.


Then I went to see a lady who is Toshu-san's friend~.
You often talk about us Kanji on the phone, don't you?
That's why I wanted to meet her.
She noticed me, but I went sightseeing all day and got tired and sleepy, so I went home right away.
I did something bad. Is that okay?

I talked to her yesterday. She said, "子Child came to see me~” and she looked happy.

Oh, really?
I'm relieved(^^♪

It's fun and the time passes so quickly when I talk with you, 子"Child".
Let's get into the main topic(^_-)-☆

Then what do you think I am?

You are a child, right?

Yes, I'm a little child.
There is another form of a new born Oracle Bone Script, it's a hairy head of a baby.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


These standing things is hair.

Hey, look at me!
My hands are raised and lowered, right?
This is a character to show that I'm a prince.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


Oh, yes.
Come to think of it, you look like Buddha when he was born.

I'm older than him, though"(-""-)"

What!! Really?

That's true!
Please count my age.

Buddha was born in the 5th century B.C., so if he lives, he is about 2,500 years old.
子"Child", you are 3,300 years old!!
It's true that you are older (* ^ ^) v

Yes, I am~(^_-)-☆

{男"Man" came behind 子"Child".}

Is it okay to interrupt you for a moment~?
Do you remember the last time I talked about the five ranks of nobility?

They are "Duke", "Marquis", "Earl", "Viscount" and "Baron", right?

That's right.
The child(子)of the Viscount(子爵) represents the prince.

It was the title of the prince.

One more thing, Leciel made us fragrant and delicious Earl Grey earlier, do you know what this Earl Grey comes from?

Is it the tea with the citrus fragrance of bergamot, right?

That's right, but Earl Grey is actually a person's name and we write "Earl Grey" in English, which means "Earl of Grey".
It is said to be named after Charles Gray (2nd Earl of Grey), the British prime minister in the 1830s.

I see. So Earl means 伯爵.
I'm so happy that I get much more knowledge (*^^)v

Hey, can I talk a little more?
I'm going to sleep again.

Go ahead, sweetie!!

Next, I was like this in the shape of Bronze Script.


金文(Bronze Script)


I can recognize your head clearly.

Then, look at the other Bronze Script~!!


金文(Bronze Script)


How are they different?

This is in the form of a general child.
They don’t raise or lower their hands, right?

Oh, that's true!!

It is distinguished from the prince if they are raising and lowering their hands.

How interesting!

There is no distinction between raising and lowering hands from Tensho.












That's true~!!

Well, that's it!!

Making a big applause. 👏👏👏

You did a great job, dear. GOOD WORK!!

Great job!!

YAY!! (*^^)v

Toshu-san, may we, 女"Woman" and 母"Mother" talk something a little bit more?
Actually, there is a Kanji combining me, 女"Woman" and 子"Child".
Guess what?

Is it "好"?

It was an easy question.
Then, please look at the Oracle Bone Script.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


This form shows a woman holding a child. ↑
In fact, there is a form that the mother holds the child in Oracle Bone Script. ↓


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


That originally meant that the mother cherished her child.

That's right. At first, from the meaning of mother's love for her child, it came to mean that we all "like" everything in good condition and good things.

Thank you for the heart-warming and wonderful story. ♡
I'd like to hear more from you, but the time has come.
Could you introduce the next guest?


{A cute breathing while sleeping is coming. Everybody speaks in a low voice from here.}

I, 父"Father" introduce you as 子"Child" fell asleep.

He did his best. He must be relieved that his turn is over.
He is sleeping with a very refreshing face. I'm healed ~ (* ^ - ^ *)

The next guests are and .
They are really enthusiastic to appear here.

I'm glad to hear that. Could you give me any tips?

"" is a Kanji where the 1st guest, 人”Person" faces the front.
"" is the connection from人”Person", but he's not a human.

I'm looking forward. I'm wondering what Kanji they are.
Thank you for today, everyone.
You guys are always welcome.
I would like to see 子"Child" again. (*^^)v

Thank you. We will tell him when he wakes up.

Thank you for today.
The earl grey tea which Leciel served us was very delicious.

You make me blush, Bow-Wow!
We have other good tea, so we would like you guys to visit us again, Ruff-Ruff!!

Today, we will take turns to carry 子"Child" in our arms.
Hope you will be fine. Good-bye!

You just look like the kanj, 好~!!
Good bye~!!

{They all went home happily.}

Leciel, it was good that they were pleased!!

I'm pleased, too, Bow-Wow!!


Who is it???

I'll go check it, Ruff-Ruff.

{Leciel came back.}

Toshu-sensei, we got a letter from the 2nd guest, 身"Body".

身"Body" is the kinji of a pregnant woman.
I'm wondering if she got a child♫

Toshu-sensei, if she got a child, she would not be身"Body" anymore, Bow-Wow.💦

That's true. "(-" "-)"
I don't have much time today, so I'd like to introduce the letter in the next episode.
I will invite and after the next time.

I would like you to read the子"Child"'s profile here, Bow-Wow!
See you~.